NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) President, Ambassador Mark D. Wallace, issued the following statement this evening in response to the Warwick New York Hotel’s Friday statement:
The Warwick and its General Manager Sam Kapadia must reverse their decision to host Ahmadinejad, and stop hiding behind a supposed “guest privacy” policy. This is not a matter of privacy, but of judgment—Ahmadinejad is the leader of a criminal regime allied with al-Qaeda and other terrorists, and guilty of atrocious human rights violations. Would the Warwick be willing to accommodate Osama bin Laden’s successor Ayman al-Zawahiri were he to visit Manhattan?
Today, UANI's letter to the Warwick, which made the irresponsible decision to host Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad next week, was featured on NBC 4 News, WCBS 2 News, Fox 5 News, WCBS Radio, 1010 WINS Radio, and in the New York Post.
Click here
to send a message to the Warwick, or call the Warwick at (212) 247-2700.
to watch CBS 2’s Friday report about UANI’s campaign against the Warwick.
to read UANI’s letter to the Warwick.