Just Ask A Nurse.com (JAAN) Releases Its 2011 Top Doctor Awards

MERRIMAC, Mass.--()--Congratulations to the top doctors of 2011 as recognized by their nurse colleagues for excellence in their field of practice, patient care, competence and skill. The Top Doctors received a 5 star nurse recommendation framed plaque recognizing their distinction on Just Ask A Nurse.com.

The mission of Just Ask A Nurse is to provide health-care consumers with nurse-based physician recommendations. Nurses have been identified as America’s most trusted profession for the past 11 years in the Gallop Polls annual survey of professions. Nurses are considered to be ideal evaluators of physicians based on their unique role in healthcare and their close working relationships with physicians.

“Today, savvy health-care consumers expect and demand choice, excellence, and positive outcomes.” - Deb Ciampa Rn co-owner

To see the entire list of Top Docs go to www.justaskanurse.com and become a registered user.

“It's important to get information from various sources especially when choosing a specialist for a disease process that can impact one's life.” - Nancy Justin Rn co-owner

Nurses Know the Best Doctors!


Just Ask A Nurse
Nancy Justin, 978-834-1959

Release Summary

Make the right doctor choice and find the best doctor at Just Ask A Nurse.com. Who better to ask than the nurses who work side by side with physicians, every day.


Just Ask A Nurse
Nancy Justin, 978-834-1959