New Energy for Jobs Coalition Formed in Missouri

Calls for “Responsible and Reasonable Regulatory Policy”

ST. LOUIS--()--Today, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) announced the formation of a new coalition “Energy for Missouri Jobs” that will promote policies that ensure Missouri’s ability to access affordable, reliable power through coal. Energy for Missouri Jobs supports reasonable environmental regulation that continues the pursuit of cleaner air while balancing economic priorities.

The Energy for Missouri Jobs coalition is deeply concerned about the impact of new regulations under consideration by the Environmental Protection Agency on electricity costs and reliability. The coalition wants to continue the environmental progress made in recent decades in a manner that does not jeopardize our economic recovery, unnecessarily increase electricity costs, or threaten the reliability of our electricity system.

“Missouri working families cannot afford regulations that will raise electricity costs and destroy jobs during this fragile economic recovery,” said Robert Kelley, President Emeritus of the St. Louis Labor Council and member of Energy for Missouri Jobs. “The EPA needs to consider a balanced approach that gives us cleaner air without sacrificing jobs and increasing energy prices.”

Energy for Missouri Jobs believes that access to affordable energy is essential to a high quality of life. The United States has a 200-year supply of energy contained in American coal reserves. Coal is particularly important in Missouri because it is used to generate more than 80% of the electricity in the state.

Energy for Missouri Jobs is committed to a cleaner environment. Coal-fueled electricity continues to make great progress in improving its environmental footprint. Nationally, since 1970, emissions that traditionally have been controlled under the Clean Air Act have been reduced by more than 80% per unit of electricity produced.

More about Energy for Missouri Jobs can be found here:


The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) is a non-profit, non-partisan partnership of companies involved in producing electricity from coal. Because coal is America’s most abundant energy resource, ACCCE supports energy policies that balance coal’s vital role in meeting our country’s growing need for affordable and reliable electricity with the need to protect the environment. ACCCE also advocates for the development and deployment of advanced clean coal technologies that will produce electricity with near-zero emissions. For more information, visit or


American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity
Lisa Miller, 703-302-1228


American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity
Lisa Miller, 703-302-1228