SES First Half Recurring Revenue +3%, EBITDA +4.2%

Profit of the Group +52.5%

LUXEMBOURG--()--SES S.A. (Paris:SESG) (LuxX:SESG) reports financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2011.


  • Recurring1 revenue grew 3.0% to EUR 853.2 million
    • Reported revenue was EUR 851.4 million (+0.8%)
  • Recurring EBITDA rose 4.2% to EUR 644.4 million
    • Recurring EBITDA margin of 75.5%
    • Reported EBITDA was EUR 631.5 million (-0.2%)
  • Operating profit of EUR 402.0 million (+4.1%)
  • Profit of the group of EUR 292.1 million (+52.5%)
  • Earnings per A-share rose to EUR 0.74 (H1 2010: EUR 0.49)
  • Closing net debt / EBITDA of 3.05 times
  • Contract backlog increased to EUR 7.0 billion, from EUR 6.6 billion at 31 March

Romain Bausch, President and CEO, commented:

“In the first half, SES has continued to concentrate on the development of our business, in particular in the emerging markets, and on the commercialisation of the new capacity that is to be launched on the 11 satellites in our current investment programme. The new SES-3 satellite that was successfully launched earlier this month and the other five satellites that are to be launched in the second half will allow us to bring substantial new capacity to our customers and therefore support our future growth. The organisational changes that were announced during the period are an additional support to focus on that development and growth."


Recurring revenue in the six months increased by 3.0% to EUR 853.2 million, while recurring EBITDA grew by 4.2% to EUR 644.4 million. Reported revenue was up 0.8%, at EUR 851.4 million, while EBITDA as reported declined slightly by 0.2% to EUR 631.5 million.

The strength of the euro against the U.S. dollar in the period resulted in a relatively flat evolution of revenue and EBITDA against the prior year period. Adjusting to exclude this effect, the underlying recurring growth was favourable, as discussed above.

Operating profit rose 4.1% to EUR 402.0 million, reflecting the favourable underlying performance and a reduced depreciation charge. Net financing charges in the period, at EUR 60.8 million, were significantly lower than the prior year period, reflecting positive developments in both foreign exchange charges and interest costs. A reduced loss after tax of EUR 7.3 million from discontinued operations (ND SatCom) was recorded, compared to a loss of EUR 38.5 million in the prior year period. These favourable variances led to the profit of the group increasing by 52.5%, to EUR 292.1 million, corresponding to EPS of EUR 0.74.

The Group’s contract backlog, representing secured future revenue, increased to EUR 7.0 billion, driven by renewals and new business signed in the period.

1 ”Recurring” represents underlying revenue / EBITDA performance by removing currency exchange effects and eliminating one-time items.

Operations Review

At 30 June, the group’s transponder utilisation was 80.7%, or 1,008 of the 1,249 transponders commercially available.

In the period, some new capacity agreements as well as renewals of existing agreements were signed, supporting the year-on-year recurring revenue growth of 3.0%. Infrastructure activities recorded continued growth and services activities also performed well, with favourable development of HD+ in Germany being a significant contributor.

2011 is a highly concentrated year for launching replacement and new capacity, with a record six launches during the second half of the year. The successful launch this month of SES-3, a replacement satellite, is to be followed by a further five missions carrying 123 incremental transponders into orbit.

The organisational realignment of the group, to streamline the organisation and support an enhanced customer focus, was implemented in the second quarter. Associated non-recurring net reorganisation costs of EUR 10.6 million were recorded and are in line with full year expected range of between EUR 10-15 million.

In the period, there were no events impacting commercial capacity availability of those Lockheed Martin satellites susceptible to solar array circuit anomalies. The successful launch of SES-3 and the forthcoming launch of SES-2 will add flexibility in the fleet and further enhance SES’ ability to mitigate the potential impact of any future events.


In the European markets there were a number of favourable developments in the first half, as television services continued to grow, with High Definition channels featuring strongly. ASTRA satellites now broadcast 220 HD channels over Europe. Contract wins also opened positions in new markets. The first Italian direct-to-home (“DTH”) service from 19.2 degrees East was signed with Italian TV operator Promosat. Promosat will use capacity at SES ASTRA’s 19.2 degrees East orbital position for the free-to-air transmission of its ABChannel. Telekom Srbija contracted capacity at 19.2 degrees East for the DTH transmission of the public TV channels RTS Sat and Radio Beograd in Serbia, broadcast free-to-air from 1 June 2011. With Telekom Srbija, SES ASTRA has won an important anchor customer in the Balkan region for its 19.2 degrees East orbital position.

ITV, the UK commercial broadcaster, signed an agreement renewing its existing capacity of six transponders and contracting a further three. The new capacity will support the future development of ITV’s channel offer to the UK and Ireland from 28.2 degrees East.

Ukraine’s UBG signed a multi-year agreement for capacity at 5.0 degrees East for its new digital TV offering. The M7 Group, operating the satellite TV packages CanalDigitaal (Netherlands), TV Vlaanderen (Flanders), TéléSAT (French-speaking Belgium) and AustriaSat (Austria), expanded its capacity with a fifth transponder at 23.5 degrees East, for Dutch programming and additional HD services.

High Definition TV channels serving the German market continued to increase, and the HD programmes now available on the HD+ platform have risen to eleven. HD+ has maintained its momentum and has passed the milestone of one million HD+ households. This figure primarily comprises those HD+ users enjoying the initial one-year free trial period. HD+ will be releasing comprehensive customer numbers at the end of November, when, for the first time, it will be possible to review a full twelve months’ period in which households had the option to extend HD+ as a paid service following the expiration of the free trial period. A positive trend has already emerged, in that the majority of viewers who have experienced HD+ during the free trial period are prepared to pay the EUR 50 annual service fee. In February, ASTRA entered into cooperation with Deutsche Telekom in Germany to combine ASTRA’s broad satellite free-TV offer including HD+ with Deutsche Telekom’s IPTV product Entertain. Further to an agreement with Sky Deutschland, the HD+ free-to-air channel line-up has been made available to Sky’s customers since the beginning of June, further enhancing HD+’s technical reach.

3D TV, while still in an early phase of commercial development, continued to be offered in all main markets by the major broadcasters. Digital+ has introduced a 3D demonstration channel in Spain and, following its successful launch in February, Penthouse Media has taken additional capacity for its 3D programme line-up.

The ASTRA satellite platform continued to extend its market reach, confirming satellite’s position as the most widespread digital TV infrastructure. ASTRA now reaches 135 million TV homes in Europe, more than half of all European TV homes. Of these, 58 million are satellite homes, 68 million cable, and 10 million IPTV. The number of ASTRA digital satellite homes grew by 4%, or 2.3 million, in 2010. ASTRA’s leading position in respect of HDTV transmission was confirmed, with 80% of HD-viewing satellite homes receiving their programming via ASTRA.

The reach of the satellite broadband platform ASTRA2Connect continued to grow, and the platform’s download speeds were upgraded in June to 6 MB/s. ASTRA2Connect now supports over 80,000 users in Europe.


North American operations were stable in the period. Weigel TV extended its capacity agreement to launch a TV classics channel, following the success of its classic movie channel in the US. In the field of Governmental activities, U.S. Government Solutions (“USGS”) was awarded Future Comsat Services Acquisition status, thus facilitating its ability to bid for upcoming U.S. Government satellite capacity requirements.

Outside North America, there were numerous developments. In Latin America and the Caribbean, several TV broadcasting agreements were signed. TIBA extended its capacity requirements to serve the growing demand for content in South America. Cançoa Nova, a Christian faith-based TV network, contracted additional capacity to support its global broadcasting expansion, while ESPN Brazil signed a new agreement for regional distribution of its HD offering. In May, it was confirmed that Wananchi’s DTH line-up will be launched in East Africa in July. Meanwhile, the strong demand for TV broadcasting capacity over India resulted in the entire Indian beam capacity of SES-7 being contracted. The strength of the demand in India supported the decision to procure SES-8 to provide incremental and back-up capacity for the Indian and Southeast Asian markets. SES-8 will deliver an additional 21 transponders for the region, out of a total 33 transponders on the spacecraft.

Data services also developed satisfactorily. Speedcast contracted additional capacity on NSS-6, NSS-7 and NSS-12 for maritime market connectivity. Axesat extended its contracted bandwidth for broadband connectivity in the Caribbean and Latin America. In three linked agreements, Global Crossing signed contracts for an incremental 58 MHz of capacity to support the strong demand from VSAT networks in Latin America.

O3b Networks

O3b Networks, in which SES is a strategic shareholder, is continuing its procurement plan and has just completed its Critical Design Review of the Space Segment with satellite manufacturer Thales Alenia Space. This is a key milestone, and O3b is on track for launch of the first satellites in the first quarter of 2013. Negotiations with potential customers are ongoing, and contracts have been signed with customers in South Africa and Southeast Asia.


SES reiterates its existing financial guidance. SES is on track to launch the 11 satellites of its current programme, which will lay down the foundation for future growth. The launch programme timing remains critical to the delivery of the growth as projected.

SES’ reorganisation under a streamlined management structure has now been implemented, and will enhance the execution of the Group’s growth strategy, while also delivering benefits from operational efficiencies and other synergies.

Note: SES’ Q3 statement will be published on Friday 11 November 2011.



For the six month period ended 30 June 2011


Quarterly development

In euro millions     2010 Q2     2010 Q3     2010 Q4     2011 Q1     2011 Q2
Revenue 433.8 442.3 448.5 428.4 423.0
Operating expenses (111.8 ) (113.5 ) (113.6 ) (106.9 ) (113.0 )
EBITDA 322.0 328.8 334.9 321.5 310.0
Depreciation expenses (120.4 ) (115.0 ) (120.2 ) (106.5 ) (105.7 )
Amortisation expenses (8.7 ) (8.4 ) (9.0 ) (8.7 ) (8.6 )
Operating profit 192.9 205.4 205.7 206.3 195.7
Net Profit 86.0 141.1 154.6 149.4 142.7

U.S. dollar exchange rate

EUR 1 = Average

H1 2011


H1 2011


H1 2010


H1 2010

United States dollar 1.4056 1.4453 1.3507 1.2271


In euro millions H1 2011 H1 2010 Variance %
Revenue 851.4 844.9 +6.5 +0.8%

The development of the group’s revenue compared to the prior year is set out below.

For chart, please see

Infrastructure activities recorded continued growth and services activities also performed well, with favourable development of HD+ in Germany being a significant contributor.

Operating expenses and EBITDA

In euro millions       H1 2011       H1 2010       Variance       %
Operating expenses (219.9




-7.7 -3.6 %
EBITDA 631.5 632.7 -1.2 -0.2 %
EBITDA margin 74.2 % 74.9 % -0.7 pp --

The development of the group’s EBITDA compared to the prior year is set out below.

For chart, please see

The absolute growth in recurring revenue flowed through to EBITDA. It was augmented by a decrease in recurring operating expenses in comparison with the first six months of 2010. The non-recurring charges of EUR 12.9 million in 2011 include an amount of EUR 10.6 million arising within the framework of the SES organisational realignment.

For the six months ended 30 June 2011,

In euro millions




operations /

Revenue 745.2 166.9 (60.7 ) 851.4
EBITDA 623.2 28.3 (20.0 ) 631.5
EBITDA margin H1 2011 83.6 % 16.9 % -- 74.2 %
EBITDA margin H1 2010 83.6 % 14.3 % -- 74.9 %
1 Revenue elimination refers to cross-charged capacity and other services; EBITDA impact represents unallocated corporate expenses

Depreciation and amortisation, Operating profit

In euro millions       H1 2011       H1 2010       Variance       %
EBITDA 631.5 632.7 -1.2 -0.2 %
Depreciation expenses (212.2 ) (229.2 ) +17.0 +7.4 %
Amortisation expenses (17.3 ) (17.2 ) -0.1 -0.6 %
Operating profit 402.0 386.3 +15.7 +4.1 %

Reduced depreciation results from four factors:

1. the weaker U.S. dollar compared to the same period of 2010;
2. a charge of EUR 5.6 million taken last year on the AMC-4 satellite;
3. extension of the depreciation lives of a small number of satellites; and
4. changes to the depreciable fleet.

The growth in reported EBITDA, combined with the reduction in charges for depreciation and amortisation for the period, result in an increase of 4.1% in group operating profit from EUR 386.3 million to EUR 402.0 million.

Net financing charges

In euro millions       H1 2011       H1 2010       Variance       %
Net interest expense (112.3 ) (119.9 ) +7.6 +6.3 %
Capitalised interest 33.8 26.9 +6.9 +25.7 %
Net foreign exchange gain / (loss) 17.7 (19.5 ) +37.2 --
Net financing charges (60.8 ) (112.5 ) +51.7 +46.0 %

Net interest expenses are lower compared to 2010. Average net debt over the period was consistent with the first half of 2010, and net financing charges in the period, at EUR 60.8 million, were significantly lower than the prior year period, reflecting positive developments in both foreign exchange charges and interest costs.

Income tax expense

In euro millions       H1 2011       H1 2010       Variance       %
Income tax expense (36.9) (42.5) +5.6 +13.2%
Reported tax rate 10.8% 15.5% -4.7 pp --

The effective tax rate on continuing operations of 10.8% reflects the benefit of investment tax credits associated with the satellite procurement programmes. The rate remains in line with the company’s overall assumptions for the full year.

Profit of the group

In euro millions H1 2011 H1 2010 Variance %

Profit after tax of the group

On continuing operations 300.7 229.7 +71.0 +30.9 %
On discontinued operations (7.3 )       (38.5 )       +31.2       +81.0 %
On total operations 293.4 191.2 +102.2 +53.5 %
Non-controlling interests (1.3 )       0.4         -1.7       --  
Attributable to equity holders of the parent 292.1         191.6         +100.5       +52.5 %

Earnings per Class A share (in EUR)

On continuing operations 0.76 0.59 +0.17 +28.8 %
On discontinued operations (0.02 ) (0.10 ) +0.08 --
On total operations 0.74 0.49 +0.25 +51.0 %

Cash flow and net debt development

For the six month period ended June 30

In euro millions

      H1 2011       H1 2010       Variance       %

Cash flow

Net operating cash flow 493.3 584.5 -91.2 -15.6 %
Investing activities (352.2 ) (522.3 ) +170.1 +32.6 %
Free cash flow 141.1 62.2 +78.9 +126.8 %

Net operating cash flow for the period of EUR 493.3 million is lower than the same period of 2010, reflecting favourable working capital movements recorded in the second quarter of that year. Lower outflows for investing activities to date in 2011 resulted in a strong growth in free cash flow year on year.

As at the balance sheet date

In euro millions


June 30


December 31

      Variance       %

Net debt

Loans and borrowings (4,170.4 ) (4,084.5 ) -85.9 -2.1 %
Cash and cash equivalents 216.7 323.7 -107.0 -33.0 %
Net debt (3,953.7 ) (3,760.8 ) -192.9 -5.1 %
Net debt / EBITDA 3.05 2.91 0.14 -4.8 %

Financing activities of EUR 273.7 million, including the settlement of the dividend in the second quarter and interest payments on borrowings, resulted in net debt rising in the first six months by 5.1% from EUR 3,760.8 million to EUR 3,953.7 million.

Transponder utilisation

Transponder count at quarter end

(36 MHz-equivalent)

Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Change
ASTRA Utilised 288 291 295 +4
ASTRA Available 317 317 317 --
ASTRA % 90.9% 91.8% 93.1% 1.3 p.p.
World Skies North America Utilised 324 320 320 --
World Skies North America Available 430 430 430 --
World Skies North America % 75.3% 74.4% 74.4% --
World Skies International Utilised 378 384 393 +9
World Skies International Available 502 502 502 --
World Skies International % 75.3% 76.5% 78.3% 1.8 p.p.
GROUP Utilised 990 995 1,008 +13
GROUP Available 1,249 1,249 1,249 --
GROUP % 79.3% 79.7% 80.7% 1.0 p.p.


Interim condensed consolidated income statement 1


For the six month period ended June 30

In euro millions

2011 2010

Continuing operations

Revenue 851.4 844.9
Operating expenses   (219.9 )       (212.2 )
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortisation 631.5 632.7
Depreciation expense (212.2 ) (229.2 )
Amortisation expense   (17.3 )       (17.2 )
Operating profit 402.0 386.3
Finance revenues 18.1 1.8
Finance costs   (78.9 )       (114.3 )
Net financing charges (60.8 ) (112.5 )
Profit on continuing operations before tax 341.2 273.8
Income tax expense (36.9 ) (42.5 )
Share of associates’ result (3.6 ) (1.6 )
Profit on continuing operations after tax 300.7 229.7

Discontinued operations

Loss after tax from discontinued operations (7.3 ) (38.5 )
Profit   293.4         191.2  

Attributable to:

Equity holders of parent 292.1 191.6
Non-controlling interests 1.3 (0.4 )

1 Has been subject to a review by the company’s auditors in accordance with ISRE 2410



Consolidated statement of financial position 1

In euro millions As at

30 June


As at

31 December



Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment 2,776.4 3,093.2
Assets in the course of construction 1,609.4 1,311.6
Intangible assets 2,665.4 2,866.0
Financial and other non-current assets     209.1       185.3
Total non-current assets 7,260.3 7,456.1

Current assets

Inventories 11.3 9.2
Trade and other receivables 265.5 277.0
Prepayments 35.3 35.0
Valuation of financial derivatives 5.2 2.5
Cash and cash equivalents     216.7       321.0
Total current assets 534.0 644.7
Assets of disposal group held for sale -- 127.7
Total assets     7,794.3       8,228.5


Attributable to equity holders of the parent 1,794.5 2,093.0
Non-controlling interests     33.8       35.5
Total equity 1,828.3 2,128.5

Non-current liabilities

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 3,778.0 2,995.9
Provisions and deferred income 271.2 298.0
Valuation of financial derivatives 8.9 14.1
Deferred tax liabilities 706.3 737.6
Other long-term liabilities     18.2       36.2
Total non-current liabilities 4,782.6 4,081.8

Current liabilities

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 392.4 1,088.6
Trade and other payables 341.2 348.9
Income tax liabilities 152.9 162.4
Deferred income     296.9       320.6
Total current liabilities 1,183.4 1,920.5
Liabilities directly associated with held for sale assets -- 97.7
Total liabilities 5,966.0 6,100.0
Total liabilities and equity     7,794.3       8,228.5

1 Has been subject to a review by the company’s auditors in accordance with ISRE 2410



Interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flow 1,2

For the six month period ended June 30

In euro millions

2011 2010
Profit from continuing operations before tax 3 337.6 272.2
Loss from discontinued operations before tax (2.6 ) (60.5 )
Adjustment for non-cash items   239.0       253.3  
Consolidated operating profit before working capital changes 574.0 465.0
Changes in operating assets and liabilities (80.7 ) 119.5
Net operating cash flow   493.3       584.5  
Cash flow from investing activities
Purchase, net of disposals, of intangible assets (0.3 ) (2.7 )
Purchase, net of disposals, of property, plant and equipment (342.6 ) (338.1 )
Disposal of controlling interest in ND SatCom, net of cash disposed (9.3 ) --
Acquisition of non-controlling interests, net of cash acquired -- (27.0 )
Acquisition of ProtoStar II S-band payload -- (77.4 )
Realised proceeds on settlement of swap transactions -- (74.2 )
Other flows from investing activities -- (2.9 )
Total cash flows from investing activities   (352.2 )     (522.3 )
Free cash flow 141.1 62.2
Cash flow from financing activities
Proceeds from borrowings 823.5 784.2
Repayment of borrowings (687.7 ) (511.5 )
Interest paid on borrowings (81.3 ) (57.4 )
Dividends paid to equity holders of the parent 4 (317.0 ) (287.5 )
Net proceeds of other treasury shares sold 22.3 26.8
Other cash flows from financing activities   0.4       3.7  
Total cash flows from financing activities (239.8 ) (41.7 )
Net foreign exchange movements (8.3 ) 49.8
Increase / (Decrease) in cash (107.0 ) 70.3
Net cash at beginning of the period   323.7       286.6  
Net cash at end of the period   216.7       356.9  
1 Has been subject to a review by the company’s auditors in accordance with ISRE 2410
2 Restated for the presentation of interest paid on external borrowings
3 Stated net of share of associates’ result after tax
4 Dividends are shown net of dividends received on treasury shares.


Segmental analysis of result from operations 1

For the six months ended 30 June 2011 ASTRA WORLD SKIES

Other /

Revenue with third parties 479.7 371.7 -- 851.4
Revenue with other segments 2 7.0 0.8 (7.8 ) --
Operating expenses   (104.0 )     (102.0 )     (13.9 )     (219.9 )
EBITDA 3 382.7 270.5 (21.7 ) 631.5
Depreciation expenses (89.9 ) (122.2 ) (0.1 ) (212.2 )
Amortisation expenses   (15.9 )     (1.4 )     --       (17.3 )
Operating profit   276.9       146.9       (21.8 )     402.0  
For the six months ended 30 June 2010 ASTRA WORLD SKIES

Other /

Revenue with third parties 467.5 377.4 -- 844.9
Revenue with other segments 2 1.3 1.9 (3.2 ) --
Operating expenses   (104.5 )     (94.9 )     (12.8 )     (212.2 )
EBITDA 3 364.3 284.4 (16.0 ) 632.7
Depreciation expenses (82.0 ) (147.0 ) (0.2 ) (229.2 )
Amortisation expenses   (15.7 )     (1.5 )     --       (17.2 )
Operating profit   266.6       135.9       (16.2 )     386.3  
1 Has been subject to a review by the company’s auditors in accordance with ISRE 2410
2 The group accounts for inter-segment sales and transfers as if the sales or transfers were to third parties at market prices
3 Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
4 SES S.A. and other participations results, and intra-group eliminations

Additional information is available on our website


A press call will be hosted at 11.00 CEST today, 29 July 2011. Journalists are invited to call the following numbers five minutes prior to this time.

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A call for investors and analysts will be hosted at 13.45 CEST today, 29 July 2011. Participants are invited to call the following numbers five minutes prior to this time.

Belgium           +32 (0)2 400 3463
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This presentation includes “forward-looking statements”. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this presentation, including without limitation those regarding SES’ financial position, business strategy, plans and objectives of management for future operations (including development plans and objectives relating to SES products and services), are forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of SES to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding SES and its subsidiaries and affiliates, present and future business strategies and the environment in which SES will operate in the future, and such assumptions may or may not prove to be correct. These forward-looking statements speak only as at the date of this presentation. Forward-looking statements contained in this presentation regarding past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. SES and its directors, officers and advisors do not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Mark Roberts
Investor Relations
Tel. +352 710 725 490
Yves Feltes
Media Relations
Tel. +352 710 725 311


Mark Roberts
Investor Relations
Tel. +352 710 725 490
Yves Feltes
Media Relations
Tel. +352 710 725 311