Technip’s Second Quarter 2011 Results

2011 Outlook Improved

PARIS--()--Regulatory News:

Technip (Paris:TEC) (ISIN:FR0000131708):


  • Revenue of €1,664 million, of which €660 million in Subsea
  • Group operating margin4 of 10.6%: 17.0% in Subsea and 7.6% in Onshore/Offshore
  • Backlog of €9,413 million: €2,092 million order intake during the quarter
  • Net income of €133 million
  • Total net cash position at €1,110 million after dividends of €156 million


  • Group revenue around €6,500 - 6,700 million, unchanged
  • Subsea revenue around €2,600 - 2,700 million, unchanged
  • Subsea operating margin4 between 16.5% and 17.0%, formerly above 15%
  • Onshore/Offshore combined operating margin4 between 6.5% and 7.0%, formerly between 6.0% and 6.5%
€ million
(Except Diluted Earnings per Share)
  2Q 10   2Q 11  



ex. FX

  1H 10   1H 11  



ex. FX

Revenue   1,484.5   1,663.9   12.1 %   14.5%   2,802.9   3,100.1   10.6 %   9.6%
EBITDA2   195.9   212.6   8.5 %   11.0%   370.4   391.6   5.7 %   4.9%
EBITDA Margin3   13.2%   12.8%   (42)bp       13.2%   12.6%   (58)bp    
Operating Income from Recurring Activities 160.5 175.6 9.4% 11.8% 299.7 320.4 6.9% 6.0%
Operating Margin4 10.8% 10.6% (26)bp 10.7% 10.3% (36)bp
Operating Income   162.5   175.6   8.1%       301.7   320.4   6.2%    
Net Income 106.1 132.5 24.9% 202.0 236.8 17.2%
Diluted Earnings per Share5 (€)   0.98   1.15   17.1%       1.87   2.06   10.1%    

On July 25, 2011, Technip’s Board of Directors approved the second quarter and first half 2011 consolidated accounts. Chairman and CEO Thierry Pilenko commented: “Technip delivered a robust second quarter. Our revenue grew, our margins were strong, and we are therefore raising our full year profit objectives. We were also awarded €2.1 billion of new contracts that grew our backlog to €9.4 billion, demonstrating the strength of Technip’s broad business base.

Operationally, we continued to deliver on current projects, notably as concerns Middle Eastern Onshore and African Subsea contracts, driving growth in revenue.

With over €1 billion of new orders in the quarter, Subsea backlog is now above the peak of the previous cycle. Onshore/Offshore order intake above €1 billion included the first contribution from Shell’s Prelude FLNG contract as well as a wide variety of small to mid-sized projects.

We continued to reinforce our strategy with substantial investment commitments. The Skandi Niteroi is almost completed and is now on her way to Brazil for sea trials before delivery to the client. Technip’s end-of-June balance sheet supports our growth ambitions, with net cash position of €1.1 billion (after the payment of €156 million in dividends). In July, we closed the renewal of our revolving credit line.

Looking forward, we see opportunities to expand in nearly all our markets. A high and fairly stable oil price combined with an increasing demand for gas is driving upstream investments, while strategic and regional imperatives are supporting downstream spending. Some headwinds remain: the strength of competition should not be underestimated, and general economic and widespread political uncertainties are impacting the timetable for some projects, notably those which require financing.

Overall, however, we see a recovery in our industry that, whilst it may continue to be slower to ramp-up than many envisaged, could prove more sustained.

Technip will look to accelerate its growth whilst maintaining focus on the balance of its project portfolio and on profitability. We will continue to seize investment opportunities across a broad front to expand our business base, our technologies and our services capability. Taking the above elements together - strong operational performance, sustained and diversified order intake, solid balance sheet - Technip remains confident in its ability to deliver value in a promising market.”


1. Operational Highlights

Subsea business segment’s main events were:

  • In Angola, handover to client began on Block 31 and offshore operations were successfully completed on Pazflor,
  • Offshore operations continued on West Delta Deep Marine Phase 8A in Egypt,
  • In Brazil, manufacturing of electrical modules for Papa Terra Integrated Production Bundles (IPB) progressed, delivery of flexible pipes for the pre-salt Tupi Pilot development continued, and Vitoria’s second production line re-started,
  • In the Gulf of Mexico, phase 1 of Galapagos offshore operations was completed with the Deep Blue, while work on components of the Marine Well Containment System continued,
  • In the North Sea, first campaign for Nord Stream pipeline was completed, subsea structures for Goliat project were successfully installed using wet tow method, offshore operations continued on Hibernia, and Pipe-in-Pipe for Devenick project is being reeled,
  • In Asia Pacific, offshore operations continued on CWLH project in Australia, and fabrication of flexible pipes was completed for Kitan, Timor Sea,
  • Ramp-up of Asiaflex manufacturing plant continued in Malaysia with an improving order flow, notably for umbilicals,
  • Vessel utilization rate was 80% compared with 70% a year ago.

Onshore/Offshore business segment’s main events were:

  • In the Middle East,
    • Site delivery of equipment and construction works ramped-up on Jubail refinery in Saudi Arabia,
    • Civil and mechanical works progressed with the involvement of Eletech (joint venture between Technip and Eleco Chinese construction company) on Asab 3 in Abu Dhabi,
    • Engineering and procurement activities progressed well on PMP in Qatar with early works successfully completed during the first maintenance window of the plant,
    • Detailed engineering and purchasing of main equipment progressed on offshore Khafji Crude Related project in the ex-Neutral Zone between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia,
  • In Asia,
    • Engineering and procurement neared completion, while construction supervision progressed on Koniambo, New Caledonia,
    • Mobilization started on Prelude FLNG, Australia, after Shell’s final investment decision,
    • FEED activities continued on Petronas FLNG,
  • In Brazil,
    • P-56 semi-submersible offshore facility was inaugurated by the President of Brazil and handed over to Petrobras,
    • Engineering works for P-58 and P-62 FPSO’s continued,
  • Elsewhere,
    • First train of Block 1 Gas Development project in Turkmenistan was completed and inaugurated on July 12th,
    • Start-up of Neste Oil biodiesel plant progressed in The Netherlands,
    • Engineering and procurement progressed well on Ikra in Russia, while construction supervision started,
    • Procurement works continued to progress on CNRL projects in Canada,
    • Engineering works continued and procurement activities started on Algiers refinery.

2. Order Intake and Backlog

During second quarter 2011, Technip’s order intake was €2,092 million.

The breakdown by business segment for the second quarter was as follows:

€ million   2Q 2010   2Q 2011
Subsea   772.8   50.8%   1,018.1   48.7%
Onshore/Offshore   748.5   49.2%   1,073.4   51.3%
Total   1,521.3   100.0%   2,091.5   100.0%

Subsea order intake included the renewal of a four-year long-term charter of the Sunrise 2000 in Brazil. Order intake also comprised several EPIC contracts in the North Sea with pipe-in-pipe technology and steel tube umbilicals, installation contracts in West Africa and several contracts in Brazil.

Onshore/Offshore order intake included the first contribution of Prelude FLNG contract in Australia and several contracts in Asia Pacific, notably for a mini LNG in China, chemical plants in Thailand, China and India, and offshore facilities in Australia.

Technip also signed a 10-year frame agreement with BP Exploration and Production Inc., covering the design, procurement and construction of hulls and mooring systems for Spar platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as a services frame agreement with BASF for the development of petrochemical and chemical projects.

Listed in annex II (d) are the main contracts announced since April 2011 and their approximate value if publicly disclosed.

At the end of second quarter 2011, Technip’s backlog was €9,413 million, compared with €9,081 million at the end of first quarter 2011 and €8,263 million at the end of second quarter 2010. Approximately 35% of the backlog is expected to be scheduled in the last six months of 2011.

The backlog breakdown by business segment is as follows:

€ million   June 30, 2010   June 30, 2011
Subsea   3,057.3   37.0%   3,630.0   38.6%
Onshore/Offshore   5,205.5   63.0%   5,782.7   61.4%
Total   8,262.8   100.0%   9,412.7   100.0%

3. Capital Expenditures and Investments

Capital expenditure commitments for second quarter 2011 were €62 million compared with €90 million a year ago. The Skandi Niteroi completed her topside integration in Norway and is on her way to Brazil for final sea trials.


1. Revenue

€ million   2Q 2010   2Q 2011   % Change
Subsea   687.6   659.7   (4.1)%
Onshore/Offshore   796.9   1,004.2   26.0%
Total   1,484.5   1,663.9   12.1%

Subsea major revenue contributors included Pazflor and Block 31 in Angola, West Delta Deep Marine Phase 8A in Egypt, as well as various contracts in the North Sea, Brazil, and Asia Pacific.

Onshore/Offshore major revenue contributors included Jubail refinery in Saudi Arabia, Asab 3 in Abu Dhabi and PMP in Qatar, as well as Block 1 Gas Development project in Turkmenistan, P-56 semi-submersible contract in Brazil, Ikra in Russia and several offshore services contracts in Asia Pacific.

Foreign exchange had a negative impact estimated at €35 million on Technip’s second quarter 2011 revenue.

Financial result on contracts accounted as revenue amounted to €3 million in second quarter 2011.

2. Operating Income from Recurring Activities

€ million   2Q 2010 2Q 2011 % Change
Subsea   116.1 111.9 (3.6)%

     Operating Margin4








Onshore/Offshore 56.5 76.4 35.2%

     Operating Margin4








Corporate   (12.1)   (12.7)   5.0%  
Total 160.5 175.6 9.4%

    Operating Margin4









Subsea EBITDA margin3 was 21.4% for second quarter 2011 in line with second quarter 2010. Operating margin4 was 17.0%, driven by good execution on projects.

Onshore/Offshore combined operating margin4 rose from 7.1% a year ago to 7.6% in second quarter 2011 reflecting delivery or good progress on a broad range of mainly smaller and medium sized projects.

Corporate result was relatively stable year on year.

Foreign exchange had a negative impact estimated at €4 million on Technip’s second quarter 2011 operating income from recurring activities.

3. Operating Income

Operating income was €176 million in second quarter 2011 versus €163 million a year ago.

4. Net Income

€ million   2Q 2010   2Q 2011   % Change
Operating Income   162.5   175.6   8.1%
Financial Result   (8.1)   11.3   nm
Share of Income / (Loss) of Equity Affiliates   (1.0)   -   nm
Income Tax Expense   (48.2)   (55.6)   15.4%
Non-Controlling Interests   0.9   1.2   33.3%
Net Income   106.1   132.5   24.9%

Financial result in second quarter 2011 included a €15 million positive impact from changes in foreign exchange rates and fair market value of hedging instruments, compared with a €7 million negative impact in second quarter 2010.

Income tax expense was €56 million in second quarter 2011 giving an effective tax rate of 29.7%.

Diluted earnings per share5 grew by 17.1% to €1.15 in second quarter 2011, compared to €0.98 last year.

Average number of shares during second quarter 2011 on a diluted basis calculated as per IFRS was 117,267,300 versus 108,076,795 shares for the same quarter in 2010. The variation is mainly due to 6,6

18,531 shares related to the potential dilution of the convertible bond (OCEANE), and the stock options and performance shares granted by the Board of Directors to Technip’s employees.

5. Cash Flows and Financial Position

€ million      
Net Cash Position as of March 31, 2011     1,300.4
Net Cash Generated from / (Used in) Operating Activities     71.4
of which:  
Cash Generated from / (Used in) Operations



Change in Working Capital Requirements  



Capital Expenditures     (64.2)
Dividends Paid     (156.1)
Other including FX Impacts     (41.4)
Net Cash Position as of June 30, 2011     1,110.1

As of June 30, 2011, Technip’s net cash position was €1,110 million compared with €1,332 million as of December 31, 2010 and €1,498 million as of June 30, 2010.

On July 21, 2011, Technip signed with 14 banks a 5-year €1 billion revolving credit facility, increased from €800 million after initial subscription, to meet its general corporate financing needs. This replaced the previous non-used syndicated credit of €850 million maturing in June 2012. Technip therefore completed the renewal of its main financing lines initiated with the 10-year €200 million bonds issued in July 2010, and the 5-year €550 million convertible bonds (OCEANE) issued in November 2010.

Shareholders’ equity as of June 30, 2011 was €3,366 million compared with €3,202 million as of December 31, 2010.


  • Group revenue around €6,500 - 6,700 million, unchanged
  • Subsea revenue around €2,600 - 2,700 million, unchanged
  • Subsea operating margin4 between 16.5% and 17.0%, formerly above 15%
  • Onshore/Offshore combined operating margin4 between 6.5% and 7.0%, formerly between 6.0% and 6.5%



  At current exchange rates.


Operating income from recurring activities before depreciation and amortization.


EBITDA divided by revenue.


Operating income from recurring activities divided by revenue.


As per IFRS, diluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing profit or loss attributable to the Parent Company’s Shareholders, restated from financial interest related to dilutive potential ordinary shares, by the weighted average number of outstanding shares during the period, plus the effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares related to the convertible bond, dilutive stock options and performance shares calculated according to the “Share Purchase Method” (IFRS 2), less treasury shares. In conformity with this method, anti-dilutive stock options are ignored in calculating EPS. Dilutive options are taken into account if the subscription price of the stock options plus the future IFRS 2 charge (i.e. the sum of annual charge to be recorded until the end of the stock option plan) is lower than the average market share price during the period.


° °

The information package on Second Quarter 2011 results includes this press release and the annexes which follow, as well as the presentation published on Technip’s website:


Today, July 28, 2011, Chairman and CEO Thierry Pilenko, along with CFO Julian Waldron, will comment on Technip’s results and answer questions from the financial community during a conference call in English starting at 10:00 a.m. CET.

To participate in the conference call, you may call any of the following telephone numbers approximately 5 - 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time:

        France / Continental Europe:     + 33 (0)1 70 77 09 35
UK: + 44 (0)203 367 9458
USA: + 1 866 907 5924

The conference call will also be available via a simultaneous, listen-only audio-cast on Technip’s website.

A replay of this conference call will be available approximately two hours following the conference call for 90 days on the Technip’s website and for two weeks at the following telephone numbers:




Telephone Numbers


Confirmation Code

France / Continental Europe:

+ 33 (0)1 72 00 15 00



+ 44 (0)203 367 9460



+ 1 877 642 3018



Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements

This presentation contains both historical and forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts, but rather reflect our current expectations concerning future results and events and generally may be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as “believe”, “aim”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “foresee”, “likely”, “should”, “planned”, “may”, “estimates”, “potential” or other similar words. Similarly, statements that describe our objectives, plans or goals are or may be forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results anticipated in the forward-looking statements include, among other things: our ability to successfully continue to originate and execute large services contracts, and construction and project risks generally; the level of production-related capital expenditure in the oil and gas industry as well as other industries; currency fluctuations; interest rate fluctuations; raw material (especially steel) as well as maritime freight price fluctuations; the timing of development of energy resources; armed conflict or political instability in the Arabian-Persian Gulf, Africa or other regions; the strength of competition; control of costs and expenses; the reduced availability of government-sponsored export financing; losses in one or more of our large contracts; U.S. legislation relating to investments in Iran or elsewhere where we seek to do business; changes in tax legislation, rules, regulation or enforcement; intensified price pressure by our competitors; severe weather conditions; our ability to successfully keep pace with technology changes; our ability to attract and retain qualified personnel; the evolution, interpretation and uniform application and enforcement of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), according to which we prepare our financial statements as of January 1, 2005; political and social stability in developing countries; competition; supply chain bottlenecks; the ability of our subcontractors to attract skilled labor; the fact that our operations may cause the discharge of hazardous substances, leading to significant environmental remediation costs; our ability to manage and mitigate logistical challenges due to underdeveloped infrastructure in some countries where we are performing projects.

Some of these risk factors are set forth and discussed in more detail in our Annual Report. Should one of these known or unknown risks materialize, or should our underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our future results could be adversely affected, causing these results to differ materially from those expressed in our forward-looking statements. These factors are not necessarily all of the important factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any of our forward-looking statements. Other unknown or unpredictable factors also could have material adverse effects on our future results. The forward-looking statements included in this release are made only as of the date of this release. We cannot assure you that projected results or events will be achieved. We do not intend, and do not assume any obligation to update any industry information or forward-looking information set forth in this release to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.


This presentation does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase any securities of Technip in the United States or any other jurisdiction. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration. The information contained in this presentation may not be relied upon in deciding whether or not to acquire Technip securities.

This presentation is being furnished to you solely for your information, and it may not be reproduced, redistributed or published, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to any other person. Non-compliance with these restrictions may result in the violation of legal restrictions of the United States or of other jurisdictions.

Technip is a world leader in project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry.

From the deepest Subsea oil & gas developments to the largest and most complex Offshore and Onshore infrastructures, our 23,000 people are constantly offering the best solutions and most innovative technologies to meet the world’s energy challenges.

Present in 48 countries, Technip has state-of-the-art industrial assets on all continents and operates a fleet of specialized vessels for pipeline installation and subsea construction.

Technip shares are listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris exchange and the USA over-the-counter (OTC) market as an American Depositary Receipt (ADR: TKPPK).

OTC ADR ISIN: US8785462099

Technip’s website

Technip’s IR website
Technip’s IR mobile website


° °



IFRS, not audited

Second Quarter First Half
€ million  
(Except Diluted Earnings per Share, and Diluted Number of Shares)   2010   2011   % ∆   2010   2011   % ∆
Revenue   1,484.5   1,663.9   12.1%   2,802.9   3,100.1   10.6%
Gross Margin   288.4   332.2   15.2%   542.1   611.8   12.9%
Research & Development Expenses (13.3)   (15.1)   13.5% (26.2)   (27.4)   4.6%
SG&A and Other   (114.6)   (141.5)   23.5%   (216.2)   (264.0)   22.1%
Operating Income from Recurring Activities   160.5   175.6   9.4%   299.7   320.4   6.9%
Non-Current Operating Result 2.0 - nm 2.0 - nm
Operating Income   162.5   175.6   8.1%   301.7   320.4   6.2%
Financial Result (8.1) 11.3 nm (11.3) 9.7 nm
Share of Income / (Loss) of Equity Affiliates   (1.0)   -   nm   -   -   nm
Income / (Loss) before Tax   153.4   186.9   21.8%   290.4   330.1   13.7%
Income Tax Expense (48.2) (55.6) 15.4% (90.0) (95.3) 5.9%
Non-Controlling Interests 0.9 1.2 33.3% 1.6 2.0 25.0%
Net Income   106.1   132.5   24.9%   202.0   236.8   17.2%
Diluted Number of Shares   108,076,795   117,267,300   8.5%   108,007,347   117,331,750   8.6%
Diluted Earnings per Share5 (€)   0.98   1.15   17.1%   1.87   2.06   10.1%




Dec. 31, 2010 Jun. 30, 2011
(audited)   (not audited)
€ million        
Fixed Assets 4,146.0 4,253.8
Deferred Tax Assets   324.6   298.1
Non-Current Assets   4,470.6   4,551.9
Construction Contracts – Amounts in Assets 378.6 593.8
Inventories, Trade Receivables and Other 2,267.1 1,847.4
Cash & Cash Equivalents   3,105.7   2,289.9
Current Assets   5,751.4   4,731.1
Total Assets   10,222.0   9,283.0
Shareholders’ Equity (Parent Company) 3,179.8 3,350.8
Non-Controlling Interests   22.3   15.4
Shareholders’ Equity   3,202.1   3,366.2
Non-Current Financial Debts 1,092.1 1,148.0
Non-Current Provisions 110.2 113.7
Deferred Tax Liabilities and Other Non-Current Liabilities   144.7   196.8
Non-Current Liabilities   1,347.0   1,458.5
Current Financial Debts 681.3 31.8
Current Provisions 236.7 287.1
Construction Contracts – Amounts in Liabilities 694.9 654.7
Trade Payables & Other   4,060.0   3,484.7
Current Liabilities   5,672.9   4,458.3
Total Shareholders’ Equity & Liabilities   10,222.0   9,283.0
Net Cash Position   1,332.3   1,110.1
Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity (Parent Company), not audited:

€ million

Shareholders’ Equity as of December 31, 2010   3,179.8
First Half 2011 Net Income 236.8
First Half 2011 Other Comprehensive Income 48.8
Capital Increase 21.3
Treasury Shares 13.2
Dividends Paid (156.1)
Other   7.0
Shareholders’ Equity as of June 30, 2011   3,350.8



IFRS, not audited

First Half
€ million   2010   2011
Net Income / (Loss) 202.0 236.8
Depreciation & Amortization of Fixed Assets 70.8 71.2
Stock Options and Performance Share Charges 5.7 22.4
Non-Current Provisions (including Employee Benefits) 2.0 4.2
Deferred Income Tax (40.7) 20.5
Net (Gains) / Losses on Disposal of Assets and Investments (9.8) 0.6
Non-Controlling Interests and Other (1.6) 4.1
Cash Generated from / (Used in) Operations 228.4 359.8
Change in Working Capital Requirements (366.5) (269.1)
Net Cash Generated from / (Used in) Operating Activities (138.1) 90.7
Capital Expenditures (150.8) (111.7)
Proceeds from Non-Current Asset Disposals 21.6 0.4
Acquisitions of Financial Assets (28.9) -
Change of Scope of Consolidation 2.4 12.6
Net Cash Generated from / (Used in) Investing Activities (155.7) (98.7)
Increase / (Decrease) in Borrowings 9.9 (615.5)
Capital Increase 2.6 21.3
Dividends Paid (143.6) (156.1)
Share Buy-Back (6.8) 1.1
Net Cash Generated from / (Used in) Financing Activities (137.9) (749.2)
Net Effects of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes 180.3 (59.2)
Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (251.4) (816.4)
Bank Overdrafts at Period Beginning (1.2) (0.1)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Period Beginning 2,656.3 3,105.7
Bank Overdrafts at Period End (0.4) (0.7)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Period End 2,404.1 2,289.9
(251.4) (816.4)




Cash and Financial Debts
Dec. 31, 2010   Jun. 30, 2011
€ million   (audited)   (not audited)
Cash Equivalents   2,326.8   1,738.2
Cash   778.9   551.7
Cash & Cash Equivalents (A)   3,105.7   2,289.9
Current Financial Debts   681.3   31.8
Non-Current Financial Debts   1,092.1   1,148.0
Gross Debt (B)   1,773.4   1,179.8
Net Cash Position (A - B)   1,332.3   1,110.1

Foreign Currency Conversion Rates

Closing Rate Average Rate
    Dec. 31 2010   Jun. 30 2011   2Q 2010   2Q 2011   1H 2010   1H 2011
USD for 1 EUR   1.34   1.45   1.27   1.44   1.35   1.40
GBP for 1 EUR   0.86   0.90   0.85   0.88   0.88   0.87



IFRS, not audited

Second Quarter   First Half
€ million   2010   2011   % Δ   2010   2011   % Δ
Europe, Russia, Central Asia   430.1   497.4   15.6%   696.1   895.4   28.6%
Africa   218.9   201.4   (8.0)%   510.3   484.9   (5.0)%
Middle East   304.5   393.1   29.1%   586.4   730.7   24.6%
Asia Pacific   184.5   205.1   11.2%   350.8   378.6   7.9%
Americas   346.5   366.9   5.9%   659.3   610.5   (7.4)%
TOTAL   1,484.5   1,663.9   12.1%   2,802.9   3,100.1   10.6%



IFRS, not audited

Second Quarter   First Half
€ million   2010   2011   % ∆   2010   2011   % ∆


Revenue   687.6   659.7   (4.1)%   1,319.4   1,253.5   (5.0)%
Gross Margin   168.2   174.8   3.9%   323.3   327.3   1.2%
Operating Income from Recurring Activities   116.1   111.9   (3.6)%   224.3   211.9   (5.5)%
Operating Margin4   16.9%   17.0%   8bp   17.0%   16.9%   (10)bp
Depreciation and Amortization   (29.2)   (29.6)   1.4%   (58.5)   (57.2)   (2.2)%
EBITDA2   145.3   141.5   (2.6)%   282.8   269.1   (4.8)%


Revenue   185.5   229.2   23.6%   327.5   433.5   32.4%
Gross Margin   26.0   36.0   38.5%   50.6   62.7   23.9%
Operating Income from Recurring Activities   9.0   16.6   84.4%   20.0   26.7   33.5%
Operating Margin4   4.9%   7.2%   239bp   6.1%   6.2%   5bp
Depreciation and Amortization   (2.7)   (2.8)   3.7%   (4.9)   (5.7)   16.3%


Revenue   611.4   775.0   26.8%   1,156.0   1,413.1   22.2%
Gross Margin   94.5   122.0   29.1%   168.5   221.8   31.6%
Operating Income from Recurring Activities   47.5   59.8   25.9%   75.1   112.0   49.1%
Operating Margin4   7.8%   7.7%   (5)bp   6.5%   7.9%   143bp
Depreciation and Amortization   (2.7)   (4.8)   77.8%   (6.5)   (8.1)   24.6%


Operating Income from Recurring Activities   (12.1)   (12.7)   5.0%   (19.7)   (30.2)   1.5x
Depreciation and Amortization   (0.8)   0.2   nm   (0.8)   (0.2)   nm



Not audited

Order Intake by Business Segment
Second Quarter
€ million   2010   2011   % Δ
Subsea   772.8   1,018.1   31.7%
Offshore   318.6   647.2   103.1%
Onshore   429.9   426.2   (0.9)%
TOTAL   1,521.3   2,091.5   37.5%
Backlog by Business Segment
As of As of As of
€ million   Jun. 30, 2010   Dec. 31, 2010   Jun. 30, 2011
Subsea   3,057.3   3,110.7   3,630.0
Offshore   600.8   1,130.9   1,483.3
Onshore   4,604.7   4,986.3   4,299.4
TOTAL   8,262.8   9,227.9   9,412.7
Backlog by Geographical Area
As of As of As of
€ million   Jun. 30, 2010   Dec. 31, 2010   Jun. 30, 2011
Europe, Russia, Central Asia   1,716.0   1,670.9   1,577.4
Africa   1,341.5   1,663.8   1,582.6
Middle East   3,066.3   2,958.9   2,278.8
Asia Pacific   660.5   680.3   1,258.5
Americas   1,478.5   2,254.0   2,715.4
TOTAL   8,262.8   9,227.9   9,412.7
  June 30, 2011 Backlog Estimated Scheduling
€ million   Subsea   Offshore   Onshore   Group
For 2011 (6 months)   1,313.3   413.8   1,529.9   3,257.0
For 2012   1,643.7   629.8   2,109.3   4,382.8
For 2013 and beyond   673.0   439.7   660.2   1,772.9
TOTAL   3,630.0   1,483.3   4,299.4   9,412.7



Not audited

In second quarter 2011, Technip’s order intake reached €2,092 million, compared with €1,521 million for the same period the year before. The main contracts that we announced during second quarter 2011 were:
  • Onshore was awarded by Canadian Natural Resources Limited an engineering, procurement and construction support services contract, worth approximately €100 million, for the Horizon project in Fort McMurray, Canada,
  • Offshore signed a 10-year frame agreement with BP Exploration and Production, Inc. covering the design, procurement and construction of hulls and mooring systems for Spar platforms to be located in the Gulf of Mexico,
  • Onshore was awarded a reimbursable contract for the engineering work and services related to procurement and construction management for the Macedon gas project located 17 kilometers of Onslow in North West Australia,
  • Subsea was awarded by Statoil / Norsk Hydro a contract, worth approximately €55 million, for the Vigdis North East field development located in the Norwegian Sea at a water depth of 220 - 310 meters,
  • Offshore was awarded by Statoil Brasil Óleo & Gàs Ltda. a frame agreement for engineering studies. The scope of this 3-year contract covers feasibility, concept and front-end engineering design studies for Statoil’s existing offshore production fields and future developments in Brazil,
  • Subsea was awarded a contract by Hibernia Management and Development Company Ltd. (HMDC) for the Hibernia Southern Extension project located 315 kilometers offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada,
  • Onshore was awarded by BASF an Engineering Partner Umbrella Service Contract for chemical and petrochemical projects,
  • Offshore started to work on detailed design and construction of FLNG facility developed by Shell for Prelude field offshore Australia,
  • Subsea was awarded by BP Exploration Operating Company Limited, a contract worth approximately €15 million for the Lan Do field development in Vietnam,
  • Subsea was awarded by Endeavour Energy UK Ltd an EPCI lump sum contract, worth around €70 million, for the East Rochelle development in the United Kingdom North Sea. The field is located approximately 185 kilometers north-east of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Since July 1, 2011, Technip has also announced the award of the following contract that was included in the backlog as of June 30, 2011:
  • Onshore was awarded by Solvay an engineering services contract for studying the construction of a greenfield chemical plant in Taixing, Jiangsu Province, China.


Investor and Analyst Relations
Kimberly Stewart, +33 (0) 1 47 78 66 74
Apollinaire Vandier, +33 (0) 1 47 78 60 74
Public Relations
Christophe Bélorgeot, +33 (0) 1 47 78 39 92
Floriane Lassalle-Massip, +33 (0) 1 47 78 32 79


Investor and Analyst Relations
Kimberly Stewart, +33 (0) 1 47 78 66 74
Apollinaire Vandier, +33 (0) 1 47 78 60 74
Public Relations
Christophe Bélorgeot, +33 (0) 1 47 78 39 92
Floriane Lassalle-Massip, +33 (0) 1 47 78 32 79