Activists to Join Animal Defenders International to Protest Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus at Honda Center

--()--Animal Defenders International:



Animal advocates will join Animal Defenders International (ADI) to ask circus-goers to ‘Break the Chain’ of circus suffering by staying away from Ringling’s circus performances at the Honda Center in Anaheim, CA this Wednesday.
ADI will be on-site to demonstrate weapons used to violently train elephants; the bullhook has sharpened metal tips which are used to poke and ‘hook’ elephants in tender areas of their bodies, and the stun gun is an electric shocking device which can deliver millions of volts of electricity.

“Ironically, Ringling’s new show, called Fully Charged, promises a ‘surge of circus entertainment,’ but the public is unaware that elephants are literally getting shocked and hit with stun guns and bullhooks in abusive training sessions behind-the-scenes,” stated ADI’s Campaigns Director, Matt Rossell.



Honda Center

2695 E. Katella Ave.

Anaheim, CA 92806

Meet at the Honda Center on the sidewalk in front of the will-call office



Wednesday, July 27, 2011 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm


Concerned citizens and supporters of Animal Defenders International


Matt Rossell, ADI Campaigns Director, will be onsite for interviews. Stop Circus Suffering videos are available along with broadcast quality video footage. Contact: 323-804-9920



Leading the ‘Break the Chain’ campaign, ADI works with animal rights and welfare organizations across the U.S. to bring awareness on a local grassroots level to the communities in which animal circuses perform.

For over 18 years, ADI has conducted investigations of circuses all over the world and has produced comprehensive reports, including one in the U.S. called “Science on Suffering” which details evidence of animal suffering in circuses as a result of extreme confinement, constant traveling and cruel training practices.

ADI’s evidence has been used to prosecute offenders in many countries and the governments of Bolivia and Peru have enacted laws which prohibit the use of animals in circuses.
Though ADI opposes circuses which utilize animal performers, it remains fully supportive of arts, entertainment and circuses which use only human performers.

More information is available on ADI’s website:



Agnes Huff Communications
Agnes Huff, PhD
310-641-2525 (ofc) or 310-902-8131 (mobile)
Animal Defenders International
Matt Rossell

Release Summary

Activists to Join Animal Defenders International to Protest Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus at Honda Center


Agnes Huff Communications
Agnes Huff, PhD
310-641-2525 (ofc) or 310-902-8131 (mobile)
Animal Defenders International
Matt Rossell