Shelby Coke Joins TrafficCast BlueTOAD™ Team

Named Product Specialist to Support Company’s Rapid Growth in Bluetooth™ Detection Technology

MADISON, Wis.--()--TrafficCast International, a leading provider of real-time traffic data and technology, today announced the appointment of D. Shelby Coke, P.E., PTOE as Product Specialist for Sales and Support to the Public Sector, Engineering Community and Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Mr. Coke joins TrafficCast from ABMB Consulting Engineers where he was Director of Traffic Operations.

Mr. Coke’s appointment reflects continued growth in TrafficCast’s innovative BlueTOAD™ (Bluetooth Travel-time Origin And Destination) technology, with systems deployment across the US and in international markets.

“To meet our clients’ needs, enhance TrafficCast services and respond to market demand, we are growing our sales force,” said Paul Misticawi, Vice President of Public Sector Sales. “With Shelby’s background, we have a great addition to our team, who can best serve our clients while also helping to expand our footprint.”

Before joining TrafficCast, Mr. Coke was involved in traffic engineering projects such as ramp meter design, corridor analysis, traffic signal timing and safety studies. In these roles, Mr. Coke served as the project manager for the first ramp meter system deployed the Department of Transportation of the State of Louisiana, along the Interstate-12 corridor in Baton Rouge.

BlueTOAD was introduced to Mr. Coke on this high-profile project. “I was amazed how quick and easy the system was to install; plus: we were receiving real-time travel-times within minutes of the installation,” Shelby reported. “Not only is BlueTOAD a great web-based system for the LADOTD ITS division but it was also an invaluable tool for our analysis of the performance of the ramp meters.”

Mr. Coke is a regular presenter at regional and national conferences of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), on topics pertaining to ramp meters, traffic flow and travel time systems. That perspective was especially attractive to TrafficCast. “We’re really excited to bring on Shelby,” said Misticawi. “His knowledge of traffic operations and experience applying the BlueTOAD system into LA DOTD is a valuable asset for TrafficCast and will serve our customers well.”

Mr. Coke has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Louisiana State University and is a registered Professional Engineer in Louisiana and Florida.

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TrafficCast International
Nick Kiernan

Release Summary

Shelby Coke joins TrafficCast from ABMB Consulting Engineers to help sell and support BlueTOAD services. BlueTOAD is an advanced Bluetooth detection system for road speeds and traffic data analysis.


TrafficCast International
Nick Kiernan