HD-PLC Alliance Promotes Joint Certification Program with IGRS for China Market

IGRS-PLC reveals its first powerline products in China market.

QINGDAO, China--()--HD-PLC Alliance, the world leader of the standards development and promotion of powerline communication products, today announced that they started joint certification program of powerline products for China Market with National Engineering Laboratory for IGRS. The China Powerline technology is named 'IGRS-PLC', which is the interface specification for powerline PHY & MAC approved as a part of IGRS Standards at the end of 2009. IGRS has also already submitted 'IGRS-PLC Interface specification' for China National Standard.

The certification of 'IGRS-PLC' is provided by the special designated facility at National Engineering Laboratory for IGRS in Shenzhen, which is the first National Engineering Laboratory in China for Computer, Communication, and Consumer Electronics technologies. The certification program is one of the key roles of National Engineering Laboratory.

HD-PLC Alliance has already started certification for IEEE 1901 BPL PHY & MAC standard for wavelet OFDM which was released and published by the IEEE-SA Standards at the end of last year. The alliance also certifies ITU-T G.9972 coexistence specification for broadband over powerline.

The 'IGRS-PLC' joint certification test includes full compatibility tests with HD-PLC certification for IEEE 1901 standards and also required PHY performance and compatibility tests with all IGRS-PLC products. The first series of IGRS-PLC certified products by alliance members are expected to be launched to the market in 2nd half of 2011.

"We are pleased to announce this joint certification program with IGRS. We hope our efforts contribute to the growth of the PLC market in China." said Michimasa Aramaki, president and chairman of HD-PLC Alliance."

Dr. Sun Yuning, chairman of IGRS National Standard Working Group, PRC, and president of IGRS Engineering Lab. Ltd. said, "We are pleased to start 'IGRS-PLC' certification at National Engineering laboratory. IGRS, which is the ISO/IEC 14543-5 standard, has already approved the IGRS-PLC interface specification in 2009. We hope both standardization and certification efforts foster the rapid adoption and greater acceptance in China market."

"'IGRS-PLC' was developed for China market and for China industry. We look forward to working with China companies such as LSI or module design vendors, and consumer manufacturers." said Mr. Tomiya Miyazaki, vice president of HD-PLC Alliance.

The HD-PLC Alliance promotes the wide adoption and certification that ensures the interoperability among all the different implementations of HD-PLC, IEEE 1901, and IGRS-PLC products.

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HD-PLC Alliance  


IEEE Standards Association


IGRS (Intelligent Grouping & Resource Sharing)


National Engineering Laboratory for IGRS




Media Contacts:
HD-PLC Alliance Office
Ryoji Kido, +81-92-401-0131


Media Contacts:
HD-PLC Alliance Office
Ryoji Kido, +81-92-401-0131