Fon Tops Four Million WiFi Hotspots, Enjoys Strong Growth

MADRID--()--Fon today announced it has over four million Fon hotspots available to users worldwide. The world’s largest WiFi community expanded its network by 30%, up from three million hotspots at the beginning of the year.

Martin Varsavsky, Fon CEO and founder, said:

“Four million hotspots is an amazing figure and proof that the Fon model works. Together with the spike we are seeing–one million new hotspots this year alone–the Fon network is achieving the footprint and rapid growth we have dreamed of. In just four months, we’ve added more hotspots to the Fon network than other WiFi networks–iPass (500K), Boingo (325K), Trustive (220K) and KT (57K)–offer to their customers in total.”

Fon produces 802.11n Fonera WiFi routers that when connected to broadband make it possible to broadcast two powerful, dedicated WiFi signals. One signal is encrypted and private. The other signal is public but only accessible via password to registered members of the Fon community. Fon also builds this WiFi technology directly into its Telco partners’ equipment.

You can become a member of the Fon community by buying a Fonera once or by joining without charge through Fon’s partners, including BT, MTS Russia, SFR France, SoftBank Japan and ZON Portugal. Non-members can also connect to the Fon network worldwide by purchasing affordable access passes at Fon hotspots.

About Fon:

Fon CEO, entrepreneur and internet pioneer Martin Varsavsky founded Fon in 2006 with the goal of free, ubiquitous WiFi for everyone. Today, Fon is the largest WiFi community in the world, providing WiFi at over 4 million Fon hotspots and to over 6 million users. Fon partners with the world's leading fixed and mobile Telcos, hardware manufacturers and service providers, all who share the vision of a joint WiFi community. Fon's investors include Atomico, British Telecom, the Coral Group, Google, Index Ventures, Sequoia Capital and Skype. For more information:


Jennifer Allerson
Head of Communications
+34 677 923 038

Release Summary

Fon today announced it has over four million Fon hotspots available to users worldwide. The world’s largest WiFi community expanded its network by 30%, up from three million hotspots at the beginning.


Jennifer Allerson
Head of Communications
+34 677 923 038