A Statement from United Food and Commercial Workers International Union on Wisconsin GOP’s Attack on Workers’ Rights

MADISON, Wis.--()--One of the nation’s largest private sector unions, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) condemns the cowardly attack on Wisconsin’s public servants by Governor Scott Walker and Republican state senators.

Joe Hansen, UFCW International President, said, “Tonight’s late-night actions by Wisconsin’s Republican Senators will not stand. Working families and the broader community in Wisconsin and across the country have overwhelmingly stood up for the right to bargain collectively. Governor Walker’s true motives have been made clear that this was never about balancing the budget, but rather to exact political revenge on the hard working teachers, firefighters and public workers that make Wisconsin a great state.”

Hansen continued, “And for those politicians who seek to emulate Governor Walker, rest assured, these attacks on middle class families have unified and inspired an even stronger grassroots movement for change in this country.”

Tricia Hawkins, a UFCW Local 1473 member was inside the Wisconsin capitol building when the vote was taken. She said, “I work at Hormel Foods in Beloit and I have a good job because I have a seat at the bargaining table. I know collective bargaining works because our members work with management to reach the best agreement to make a stronger company and a good place to work.” She continued, “Working people understand that hard times call for shared sacrifices but Governor Walker proved tonight that his motivation was never about shared sacrifice. He is out for political revenge.”

UFCW members work in some of the nation’s largest supermarket chains and major food processing and meatpacking plants. UFCW members put food on America’s dinner table and with a voice at work and the right to bargain with their employer, they are able to bring middle class jobs to every neighborhood in America.


Jill Cashen, 202-728-4797


Jill Cashen, 202-728-4797