DIA 23rd Annual EuroMeeting, 28–30 March 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland

Exploring New Themes, New Perspectives, and New Synergies

DIA EuroMeeting 2011

BASEL, Switzerland--()--The DIA 23rd Annual EuroMeeting attracts more than 3,000 professionals from over 50 countries. It brings together professionals from the biopharmaceutical industry, contract service organisations, clinical research, regulatory agencies, health ministries, patients’ organisations and universities. This convergence affords attendees the opportunity to network with professional colleagues from around the world.

The 23rd Annual EuroMeeting features sessions across 15 hot themes:

  • Innovation, Future of Treatment and Personalised Medicine
  • Securing Approvals in a Changing Environment
  • Patient Safety – From Data Collection and Integration to Benefit/Risk Analysis and Risk Minimisation
  • Clinical Study Endpoints and Health Technology Assessment/Cost Effectiveness
  • Wider Access (Generics/Switching)
  • Engaging the Research World! Pre-Clinical Research and Development
  • Statistics across the Drug Lifecycle
  • Developing Medicines for Special Populations
  • Pharma e-World
  • Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control, Inspection and Assessment, Quality and Counterfeiting
  • Drug/Device Boundary: Is it about to disappear?
  • Global Drug Development in the Real World
  • Biologicals and Vaccines: Access to Innovation
  • Knowledge Management and Telematics: Enhancing Exchange Between Industry and Regulators and Improving Support for Their Decision-Making
  • Pharmaceutical Development – Regional Perspectives

The landscape of drug development is changing. Pharmaceutical industry, academia and regulators are facing unprecedented challenges. Great expectations exist for groundbreaking scientific innovation, efficient cost-effective delivery, high standards of patient protection, excellent communications and transparency and best value for the payers as well as patients and professionals.

Sessions Across 15 Hot Themes

This is the climate in which DIA’s 23rd Annual EuroMeeting in Geneva (Switzerland) will take place from 28–30 March 2011 attracting more than 3,000 participants from over 50 countries involved in the development of medicines. It brings together professionals from the biopharmaceutical industry, contract service organisations, academic research centres, regulatory agencies and health ministries, as well as delegates from patient organisations.

“DIA’s 23rd Annual EuroMeeting will introduce important new themes that will highlight new perspectives on current systems and stimulate discussion on new ways of working and opportunities for new partnerships,” says Programme Co-Chair Valdo Arnera, General Manager, PHT Corporation, Switzerland.

Optimising Health

John Dalli, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, will deliver the keynote address at the opening plenary on 28 March 2011 sharing his vision for optimising the health of European citizens. Europeis world-leader in important areas such as Innovative Medicines Initiative, but also on setting the right regulatory framework e.g. on biosimilars or falsified medicines. The European Commission is determined to pursue this path and ensure that it stimulates responsible healthcare innovation in Europe to the benefits of the patients. The keynote address will be followed by a debate on whether or not the current regulatory system supports timely patient access to beneficial medicines.

Exhibition and Networking

Networking is an integral part of the EuroMeeting. Each year, the EuroMeeting offers numerous networking opportunities to catch up with existing contacts and to make new ones in a relaxing setting. All networking events at the EuroMeeting are included in the registration fee.

More than 200 exhibitors interact with professionals from the pharmaceutical and device industry, from academia and healthcare, regulatory agencies and patient organisations.

“This EuroMeeting will ask whether we are really delivering the benefits of new science and technology,” explains Program Co-Chair June Raine, Director, Division of Vigilance Risk Management of Medicines, MHRA, UK. “This year’s event will be a milestone in drug development science, regulatory evolution, stakeholder involvement and partnership working.”

Additional EuroMeeting highlights include student sessions, young professionals session, heads of Medicines Agencies session, 2015 Roadmap session, "Meet the Regulators" and a joint Swissmedic and WHO Satellite session.

Register for the 23rd Annual EuroMeeting.


DIA is a neutral, global, professional, member-driven association of nearly 18,000 professionals involved in the discovery, development, and life cycle management of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, and related health care products. Through our international educational offerings and myriad networking opportunities, DIA provides a global forum for knowledge exchange that fosters the innovation of products, technologies, and services to improve health and well being worldwide. Headquarters are in Horsham, PA, USA, with offices in Basel, Switzerland, Tokyo, Japan, Mumbai, India, and Beijing, China.


Joe Krasowski, 215-293-5812


Joe Krasowski, 215-293-5812