WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Brent Erickson, executive vice president of the Biotechnology Industry Organization’s (BIO) Industrial & Environmental Section, has been named to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center (SynBERC). SynBERC is a National Science Foundation-supported multi-institution research center with researchers from the University of California Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California San Francisco, Harvard University and Stanford University.
Erickson said, “I am pleased to be joining this organization because of its major focus on technology transfer through its Industry Affiliates Program. This program will help guide SynBERC’s research and accelerate the commercial use of SynBERC’s dynamic and exciting developments in the private sector.
“BIO and its member companies are also excited about SynBERC’s mandates in education and understanding how synthetic biology may best promote human security, health, and welfare. As the President’s Commission on Bioethics recently noted, synthetic biology holds great promise for speeding health therapies, renewable chemical and advanced biofuel applications to the marketplace. The Commission also recognized that government oversight of this emerging field should foster and promote innovation while practicing prudent vigilance. Cooperative efforts between industry and research institutions can promote both innovation and prudent vigilance.”
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The Advanced Biofuels & Climate Change Information Center presents the latest commentary and data on the environmental and other impacts of biofuel production. Drop in and add your comments, at http://biofuelsandclimate.wordpress.com/.
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