Chiyoda Announces Consolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2011

YOKOHAMA, Japan--()--Chiyoda Corporation (TOKYO:6366):


Company name:


Listing: First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Stock code: 6366

Representative: Takashi Kubota, President & CEO

Scheduled date to file Quarterly Report: February 14, 2011

(Millions of yen with fractional amounts discarded, unless otherwise noted)



Consolidated performance for the Third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011 (from April 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010)

(1) Consolidated operating results (cumulative)   (Percentages indicate year-on-year changes.)
    Net sales   Operating income   Ordinary income   Net income
Millions of yen   % Millions of yen       % Millions of yen   % Millions of yen   %

3Q ended December 31,

184,314 (16.7) 12,897 - 10,653 353.3 5,427 860.6

3Q ended December 31,

  221,310   (35.7)   (525)       -   2,349   (63.6)   565   (83.5)
    Net income per share  

Fully diluted net
income per share

Yen Yen

3Q ended December 31,

20.94 -

3Q ended December 31,

  2.18   2.18

(2) Consolidated financial position

    Total assets   Net assets   Equity ratio   Net assets per share
Millions of yen Millions of yen % Yen

As of December 31,

331,696 152,933 46.0 588.23
As of March 31, 2010   328,174   149,253   45.3   573.61
Reference:   Equity     As of December 31, 2010:   152,420 million yen     As of March 31, 2010:   148,683 million yen

2. Cash dividends

    Cash dividends per share
Record date First quarter   Second quarter   Third quarter   Fiscal year-end   Annual
Yen Yen Yen Yen         Yen

Fiscal year ended
March 31, 2010

- - - 3.50         3.50

Fiscal year ending
March 31, 2011

- - -            

Fiscal year ending
March 31, 2011

              5.00           5.00

Note: Revision of the forecast in the Third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011: None




Consolidated earnings forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011 (from April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011)

(Percentages indicate year-on-year changes.)
    Net sales   Operating income   Ordinary income   Net income  

Net income per

Millions of


Millions of


Millions of


Millions of

  % Yen

Fiscal year ending
March 31, 2011

  240,000   (23.3)   16,000   840.0   13,000   168.7   4,000   35.4   15.43  

Note: Revision of the forecasts in the Third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011: None


4. Others


Significant changes in subsidiaries during the period (changes in specified subsidiaries resulting in
the change in scope of consolidation): None


Application of simplified accounting as well as specific accounting for preparing the quarterly
consolidated financial statements: None


Changes in accounting policies, procedures, and methods of presentation for preparing the quarterly
consolidated financial statements (changes described in the section of "Changes in significant matters
forming the basis of preparing the quarterly consolidated financial statements")

a. Changes due to revisions to accounting standards: Yes
b. Changes due to other reasons: None
(4) Number of issued shares (common stock)
a. Total number of issued shares at the end of the period (including treasury stock)
As of December 31, 2010   260,324,529 shares
As of March 31, 2010 260,324,529 shares
b. Number of treasury stock at the end of the period
As of December 31, 2010 1,204,834 shares
As of March 31, 2010 1,117,239 shares
c. Average number of shares during the period (cumulative from the beginning of the fiscal year)
For the Third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011 259,185,548 shares
For the Third quarter of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010 259,330,800 shares

* Proper use of earnings forecasts, and other special directions

The forward-looking statements, including earnings forecasts, contained in these materials are based on information currently available to the Company and on certain assumptions deemed to be reasonable. Actual business and other results may differ substantially due to a number of factors.


Chiyoda Corporation
Naoyuki Nakayama, +81-45-506-7538
General Manager
IR & Public Relations Office


Chiyoda Corporation
Naoyuki Nakayama, +81-45-506-7538
General Manager
IR & Public Relations Office