Top IP Leaders to Discuss Developments in High Tech that are Changing the IP Landscape at the LES (USA & Canada) Winter Meeting, Feb. 9-11 in the Silicon Valley

Topics include: High Tech in China; Cloud Computing; Digital Content; Nanotechnology and Mobile Devices

--()--LES (USA & Canada):



Intellectual property (IP) licensing and business development leaders will gather for the ‘High Technology Meeting of 2011,’ hosted by LES (USA & Canada), the pre-eminent professional society for those in the business of IP commercialization and licensing.



The meeting will examine compelling challenges and opportunities facing IP licensing and business professionals across industry sectors given the enormous advancements in high tech, such as cloud computing and mobile platforms. The meeting will showcase a unique mix of traditional and new “Open Space” conferencing formats to deliver a high-energy, interactive environment where attendees can customize their experience to meet their individual and company needs.


February 9-11, 2011 at the San Jose Marriott, San Jose, CA

To Register:

Register online at

Media Contact:

Lydia Steck,, 847.323.3893



  • INISIGHTS: IP leaders from ARM, Cisco, Garmin, GE, Intel, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Netsuite, Nielsen, Nokia, Oracle, Rockwell Collins, RIM,, Schlumberger, Visa and others will offer insights on how they’re driving their companies’ IP businesses. To view the full lineup of world-class speakers and panelist for the meeting, visit and click ‘Speakers & Panelists’ under the ‘Program’ heading.
    • Cloud Computing: Protection, Licensing, and Interoperability on the Cutting Edge
    • Hot Topics From the Top: Business and IP Leaders Discuss What’s Important to Them
    • Nanotechnology IP: Implications of the Very Small
    • IP on the Move: Opportunities and Challenges in the Mobile Device Arena
    • Digital Content: How it’s Being Created, Exploited, Licensed, and Protected Online
    • Changes in Semiconductor Licensing: Hot Topics for an Evolving IP Landscape
    • High-Tech Companies in China: Deconstructing the IP Landscape.
  • ‘OPEN SPACE’: Attendees will set their own agenda by hosting a small-group discussion on a question or topic of their choosing or sampling from a diverse pool of ongoing discussions.
  • FEATURED SPEAKERS: Damon Matteo, Vice President and CIPO, Palo Alto Research Center (formerly Xerox PARC); Nola Masterson, Founder and Managing Director of Science Futures, Inc.; and Bruce Lehman, former Under Secretary of Commerce for IP and Commissioner of the USPTO.


Licensing Executives Society, (U.S.A. and Canada), Inc.
Lydia Steck, 847.323.3893

Release Summary

Top IP leaders will discuss key developments in high tech that are changing the IP landscape at the LES (USA & Canada) Winter Meeting, Feb. 9-11 at the San Jose Marriott.


Licensing Executives Society, (U.S.A. and Canada), Inc.
Lydia Steck, 847.323.3893