AGA Releases Federal Financial Systems Summit White Paper

OMB to focus on smaller IT projects with faster deliverable cycles

ALEXANDRIA, Va.--()--Since the Office of Management and Budget issued its landmark memo last June halting all federal financial management systems projects until a comprehensive review could be completed, the community has been waiting for answers about next steps. On January 11, AGA convened a Federal Financial Systems Summit, bringing together the key players to give OMB Controller Danny Werfel and Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra the opportunity to discuss the issues that led to the memo, the results of the agency-by-agency reviews and planned action for future systems acquisitions.

More than 400 government financial managers joined with their private sector counterparts to hear from Werfel, Kundra, agency chief financial officers and industry representatives on the key issues. The message from Werfel and Kundra was clear—the age of massive system implementations is over. The future course will be one of smaller-scale projects with clearly defined deliverables and timeframes. The event was complimentary for federal executives and was underwritten by 30 sponsors.

View the white paper detailing the Summit dialogue at

Discussion ran the gamut from software vendors wondering how their piece of the pie will fit into OMB’s new reality to the role of central agencies with respect to data, compliance, standards and infrastructure to the move to cloud computing. Werfel and Kundra reiterated the need for ongoing partnership between government and industry to solve the myriad and vexing issues surrounding federal financial management systems.

As the government financial management thought leader, AGA strives to hold events, such as the Federal Financial Systems Summit, that bring together the relevant parties for meaningful dialogue about the most pressing issues facing our profession.

AGA is the premier Association in advancing government accountability. We support the careers and professional development of government financial professionals working in federal, state and local governments as well as the private sector and academia. Founded in 1950, AGA has a long history as a thought leader for the government accountability profession. Through education, research, publications, certification and conferences, AGA promotes transparency and accountability in government.


Association of Government Accountants
Jennifer I. Curtin, MPA

Release Summary

OMB issued its landmark memo last June halting all federal financial management systems projects until a comprehensive review could be completed. A summary paper has been released with more detail.


Association of Government Accountants
Jennifer I. Curtin, MPA