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As part of Japan’s important intangible cultural heritage, an official delegation of the  Akita Kanto Festival, in Taiwan for the first time under the leadership of Akita Mayor Motomu Hozumi, will take part in this year’s Nan Ying International Folklore Festival, which will begin in Tainan on Oct. 5. Its giant 12-meter-tall kanto, or bamboo poles with lanterns, is a highlight of Taiwan’s longest-running festival of its kind that must not be missed. (Photo: Business Wire)
As part of Japan’s important intangible cultural heritage, an official delegation of the Akita Kanto Festival, in Taiwan for the first time under the leadership of Akita Mayor Motomu Hozumi, will take part in this year’s Nan Ying International Folklore Festival, which will begin in Tainan on Oct. 5. Its giant 12-meter-tall kanto, or bamboo poles with lanterns, is a highlight of Taiwan’s longest-running festival of its kind that must not be missed. (Photo: Business Wire)
